I don't know when I crossed over. It was sometime this year, and seems like just a few weeks ago. My best recollection indicates that it was May...but I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that one fine day I looked at my checkbook register and did an evaluation.
And for those of you under the age of 30 who know not what a check register is because you have successfully avoided even knowing how to write a check in this technologically advanced age...it is that paper thingy that is in the checkbook that you've seen your granny whip out when she writes a check at the grocery store. It records the checks that are written because unlike the almighty debit card...it takes a day or so to actually clear the account.
If we don't write it down...we don't remember what we did...and if someone holds our check for two weeks...we feel uneasy because we have no idea if we wrote that check for $3.53 or $353.00. The struggle was and is real. Partially because we must then wait...due to fear of overdraft. Also because more often than not...we won't remember jack squat about that check unless we have carbon checks. Thankfully, I do.
Anyway, I looked at it and thought..."nope." Enough. If where your money is your heart is also? Well, my heart is apparently owed to every restaurant in town, my granddaughter, and LuLaRoe. Only one of the three of those has the capacity to love me back. And seeing as she has plenty of clothes, books and toys, she'd be much better off with more parked in her 529 plan than sitting in her closet.
Even if the ruffle butt smocked bubbles are precious. And they are.
I just quit spending money on stuff I do not need. Not completely...but at least 80% of the time. And I've been shrinking my restaurant and Walmart Grocery consumption down as well. Today's order was primarily food for the shih tzus.
Amazingly, I had money left over at the end of last month despite paying deductibles for my surgery, my Costco renewal, car tags, visitors, a trip to the beach and to Huntsville, an unfortunate ticket for rolling a stop sign (my second in my life so don't be hatin') leaving my neighborhood, and paying down extra on a loan that is still outstanding.
I don't know what you do with your money or what it is doing to you. That's between you and your family and God. All I know is I realized that I'm satisfied with what I have. Actually, I'd be more satisfied if I could clear out a good bit of stuff again, and I will do that this Fall. Once the company leaves in the summer, I end up making headway because it is too blasted hot to venture outside and deal with the weeds. I'll do that outside work (actually, I will direct that outside work because Miss Karen doesn't do yardwork the way Big Dave wants it done and I'm dismissed from duty) during November. This is obviously before Thanksgiving when I have company again and want the house and yard to look nice.
I am not saying that I will never buy anything again. I ordered a little dress for Brooklyn last night ($16.99 shipped) for the Fall and I've been trolling the LuLaRoe sites for a black Shirley or Sarah. If you are not familiar with this brand...these are styles named after people kind of like Chicken Salad Chick does that with their various chicken salad mixtures. But if I don't find one or actually decide to buy it? I'll be fine.
What I am saying is that right now, getting the debt that I have paid down as quickly as possible is really what I'm concerned with doing because I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just knowing I could have been out of that tunnel and on to new horizons instead of living it up kind of makes me a bit mad at myself.
I'll get over it, though. I was young and foolish earlier this year. Now I am carrying a cane. It's fine.
I'm thinking now of another mass clean out and seeing if I can get some help to seriously finally finish what I've started. If you have followed...you know I've been on this journey for five years. I'm 87% complete. A strong B+ but not an A. I like A's.
I also haven't forgotten some of the undelivered items that I owe Laurie, Courtney and Deann. I just cannot seem to get them there because two of the three involve serious expense to ship them. The other I'm hoping to deliver on Sunday at church.
Yes, I could give more and have actually found out that I have done that this year. I could live on beans and rice and I may actually try that this Fall because I have to. But just realizing that I've finally reached that stage in life where when someone asks me what I want for Christmas and I reply, "whatever you want to give me...but don't go overboard" - I'm actually a little bit happier about it than I thought I would be.
I'd rather my kids keep their money to travel, enhance their homes or invest. I'd rather not have Christmas be so many gifts and so long to open them. I'd rather have a lovely meal, open one special gift, and be thrilled with receiving something from Kendra Scott or a nice restaurant gift card. A book I haven't read. Time in conversation. Tickets to an event. Or cleaning up my backyard or garage without me having to beg someone.
Okay, FINE, I also need a new purse...but I actually have two in decent shape in my closet. Once those are worn out...we can talk.
I hope that you are out there enjoying life, being a good steward, and that you have the satisfaction of knowing that there is a point where enough really is enough.
And if you are interested in coming all up in this house and helping me get it cleaned out for one glorious moment in time...let me know. Until then, I'm going to just be happy while I can with what I have and be grateful that I am not in want. Be pleased that it is okay. Be happy that time with friends and family is my favorite thing right now.
Off to get on with the day.
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