Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Artistic Impression

The Foo Fighters new album "Wasting Light" came out today.  According to the documentary that I watched three times (and have on DVR because I'm in full-blown Foo obsession right now), the title refers to their desire to not waste a minute of the "daylight" of any time that is ours.  To walk through and be aware of those doors that are open to us.  I can certainly respect that.  And seriously, how many bands make it at all...or for 16 years?  Usually, someone either wants out, dies, or they break up for creative differences.  Sometimes tragic differences.

It did get me to thinking, though, about why it is that I am particularly attracted to the music of this band.  I didn't come to them by way of Nirvana (Dave Grohl, lead singer, was the former drummer) as some did...and I came to love their music fairly recently as I took almost a decade off from listening to music.  I got all into talk radio since I couldn't do the whole Brittney-Christina-Backstreet-NSync thing.  I quit watching MTV because it was too much for me.  I was a young mother.  I was busy.  I had grown past it. 

And then one day I got a CD from Target that had "Times Like These" on acoustic version.  I'd always liked "My Hero," "Big Me," and "Learn to Fly" from Foo Fighters but had missed the whole "Everlong" and "Times Like These" and the 1990s MTV choice.

What it is...other than the fact that I'm pretty big on loud, screaming guitars and drums that that I like the music and I love that Dave Grohl can actually sing.  Yes, he yells and gets all raspy, but he can carry a tune.  And I like that.  I also love the fact that he picked himself after Kurt Cobain's suicide which ended Nirvana, took music he had written himself, moved from the drums where he become a lead singer and guitarist...and excelled.  How many people have the ability - or the drive - to record an entire album with help on only one song, find a band to tour the album that turned out to be successful, turn down Tom Petty's offer to be his drummer and take a chance that everyone would indeed get past the fact that he was reinventing himself? in a million.  And I admire that kind of moxie...and that kind of belief.

I am equally impressed with four friends of mine who are painters.  One was a sorority sister from Troy who is a teacher but paints amazing pictures just for fun.  She posts them from time to time and I always love to be wowed at her talent.  Another is also a sorority sister (different chapter) who paints beautiful angels, crosses, and fleur de lis as well as other beautiful canvases.  Her heart is as beautiful as what she paints and she has one of the sweetest spirits of anyone I know.  Her artwork is featured as the giveaway today.  Another good friend (ironically, also a sorority sister - different chapter) has set up a gallery in her living room.  She has been painting religious images from being inspired on a recent trip to the Holy Land.  She amazes me every time I go in there to see what her hands have produced.  I believe that she is annointed for this work.  The fourth painter is from my hometown who lives in Montana.  She enjoys painting wonderful pictures of what she sees up there...a lot of wildlife and nature pictures from what she sees around her.  She posts pictures of the art from time to time on Facebook so that we can enjoy her talent.

I don't know how many of you are aware of this...but finance major that I am...I come from a family of artistic people.  Singers and actors, piano players and writers.  I guess it just seems as natural as breathing to me to assume that everyone does something creative.  Because I've pretty much found that everyone I know really does.  They just don't always see it for what it is.  Most of the time when it is a true is so easy that we take it for granted. 

I have friends who scrapbook, make cards, decorate cakes, take beautiful photos, write poetry, arrange flowers, draw, decorate their homes, write letters of encouragement that will bring tears to your eyes, do calligraphy, crochet, keep a beautiful yard, cross-stitch, knit, make pottery and ceramics and work with stained glass.  I'm sure I've left something out, but you catch my meaning.

What I'm trying to say is...each of us has a spark of the creative in us.  Each of us has something within us that is a gift from God.  Maybe it is as simple as wrapping a gift that is too pretty to open, we are able to play the piano by ear, or we bake something that is so delicious that people remember it for years and ask us to bake it again. 

We can't all record albums, star on Broadway, or write a best seller.  We are just called to use what we have for the glory of God and for the enjoyment of others.  And when we are doing those creative things that we are placed here to do...we can really find true joy for ourselves.  The fun is also in seeing others receive joy from interaction with our gifts.

I am grateful that I have such creative friends.  They give me a glimpse of heaven with what they are able to produce.   So get out there and dance, sing, paint, write, bake, garden, play, scrapbook, take photos or mold something into a masterpiece.  Your artistic impression likely brings you joy and may give someone else a lot of joy simultaneously.  See?  A win-win!  And as such...I'd be willing to bet that it also brings the applause of heaven.


  1. I consider myself a creative person. Nothing that I would say GREAT at but I try> I'm about to start painting!!! I agree, everyone has talent. they just have to find it.!


  2. I don't know that I have a creative side. I try to be encouraging to those who can do, but about all I think I am able to do well is listen. Only that's not going too well lately. (You see I have a chronic illness that keeps me from participating much in life outside these walls.) I apppreciate your writing and what it does each time to make me think about what I should be trying. It may sound strange, but I have used facebook as my outlet for communicating with family and classmates I hadn't seen since I got married (started in January). I am working to control the amount of time spent with that,but it has meant to much to be to reconnect and be encouraging and pray for them. I was not yet able to check out the painting. For some reason, it would not allow me. (Sometimes security measures do this)

  3. Hey! Go to the tab at the top of the page about the giveaway. Then go to the box where the photo should be and right click your mouse and the hit show picture. Sometimes it just won't load right. Hope this helps and glad you are here and posting! Thank you! :)

  4. Great post, Karen! Thank you for the nod and for featuring my art today! Also, just FYI, the acoustic version of Everlong is one of my favorite songs of all time! :)

  5. It is wonderful that you come from a long line of artist people! I can see that in your writings. I believe with you that all of us have the talent inside us somewhere!!

  6. My daughter, Abi, is one of the most creative people I know. I see this in her room, her dress, her writing, and yes, in her art too. Thank you, Abi, for being willing to share your talents! Love you, Mom

  7. I want to be creative AND artistic. I think those genes skipped me.
