Most of the things that I am attached to - which is different from my favorite things, mind you - are because someone mentioned it at some point in time. Why wouldn't you ask a friend for referrals for doctors and dentists, recommendations for restaurants and movies or ideas for redecorating or party planning? Answer: you wouldn't! So, maybe in counting my are thinking about your own. Maybe in putting my favorite things on a are seeing something that you haven't thought about in awhile...or you may take for granted a little bit. Or not.'s the next 10 for your reading pleasure (I write that assuming that someone is reading this other than me.)
31. Dancing
Well, believe it or not...I am a HUGE fan of dancing. I love to see people who know what they are doing actually moving in a manner that does not resemble a frog in a blender. Not that I have anything particularly against that...I mean...I married Big Dave and that's the way he moves unless it is a slow dance.
So, we slow dance only. And that's okay.
But, here's a visual "snack" of some of my favorites. I don't watch "Dancing With the Stars" because the whole premise annoys me and there is usually someone on each season that gets on my last nerve. Not the case with my mother, though. She knows exactly what is going on...and it makes her, ah.
The Troy Phi Mus - Homecoming 2011. ROCK ON.
Or how about this...
If you haven't seen "The Evolution of Dance"...well, you totally need to. It's hilarious!
Or my all-time personal favorite...the Alabama State University Stingettes... can you not want to be able to move like that? As for me...alas, no. Ask some poor Modern Dance instructor in Troy, Alabama in 1982 that gave me an A because she felt sorry for me.
Modern Dance. I'm so not kidding.
32. Babies
I'm sure that this is fairly generic but I love being around babies! I love to try to make them smile, not cry, and enjoy entertaining them. It is very difficult to have a bad day and let it follow you home when you are in the presence of a little one. Yes, I know that being up at 2 a.m. is no picnic...but NOTHING makes me feel happier than holding a baby as a general rule.
Fortunately for me, we have had a steady stream of "little people" in the family since my sister kicked off the second wave in 2005 with Alex. On the Mixon side, I have Jacob and Noah. Serious cuteness. Serious.
33. Daffodils
My birthday is in March, so each year, I know it is about time to be blowing out candles when I see the daffodils start to pop up everywhere. I believe that it is also the "official" flower of the month of March...although they call it the "jonquil" in some things I read. Frankly, I'd check, but obviously cannot because Wikipedia is "blacked out" for the evening. Such is life.
Granted, here in the South, where it can snow in April and it might be 75 degrees in January...the daffodils occasionally get confused and start blooming at some other random time. However, how can you not smile when you see those bright yellow flowers dotting the roads and neighborhood? I know I can't resist them.
Several years ago, my friend, Kim, photographed daffodils for me and framed them as a gift because of my affinity for them. I enjoy that photograph every day.
34. Clean Sheets
I really love getting into bed at night when there are clean sheets on the bed. And ironed pillowcases. Pure heaven! I realize that the ironed pillowcase thing is more or less unnecessary in this day and age of permanent press...but I do it anyway. When my grandmother's house was cleaned out, I ended up in the linen closet hoping that I could find a set of pillowcases that would remind me of home. I found more than a set...I found the motherlode.
I iron them because my grandmother did. And actually, it was probably sweet Ethel who did a lot of that ironing. But it reminds me of home...and so I do it. On nights when life is just too much, it is nice to just change the sheets and drift off on a freshly ironed pillowcase.
35. Rush Limbaugh
Okay, I may alienate a lot of you with this one...but what I am doing at some point in time between 11-2 CST is listening to Rush Limbaugh. I'm a conservative...and I've found that Rush presents conservatism in a way that makes perfect sense to me. No, I'm not easily led, and yes, I do get alternative opinions. I just happen to find his show entertaining and informative.
I will admit that it took me awhile, though. When he said things like "with talent on loan from God..." I thought he was being the epitome of arrogance. Far from it. He realizes that all of us have God-given gifts, and he's pretty sure that his is talking on the radio every day for three hours. Most people I know are well aware of their it singers, writers, or artists. You just...know. So, because he says it in a way that rubs folks the wrong way...he's wrong.
Anyway, I like the guy. I like the fact that he sticks to his principles. I like that he's crazy about his wife, Kathryn, and his dogs. I even like his tea ( We've ordered several cases including the regular sweet tea and the diet blueberry tea. It is expensive...but it is awesome. My sister, Linda, who voted for President Obama in the last election - on an absentee ballot - from France - was a big fan of the tea.
Maybe she won't drink the "conservative kool-aid" but she will drink Rush's tea. So there's that.
Seriously...the tea's good.
36. People That Go Beyond the Call Of Duty
One of my favorite groups of people are those that go beyond the call of duty. There the ones who actually visit you in the hospital or show up with dinner for your family. They send you notes to encourage you and offer to keep your dog while you go on vacation. They not only do what you ask...they do it beyond your wildest dreams.
You ask them for something and they give you that and more. They do you a favor...but they've already thought ahead to details you hadn't even mulled over yet and handled them. The job that you needed help with? Well, they'll help you through that and then say, "What else can I do for you today?"
Wow, yes?
I have always been impressed when I have been the recipient of someone going all-out. I feel so incredibly loved! Recently, we were invited to watch a football game with friends (one of the bowl games during the holidays) and we were treated to a perfectly cooked steak, and an absolutely out-of-the-ballpark with joy experience. I'm still smiling about it...and it was weeks ago.
37. The Song "December" By Collective Soul
You know how you have about a dozen songs that you'll listen to at full volume whenever they come on the radio randomly? Well, here is one of those. It is in my top three favorite songs...and chances've heard it. You just didn't know that "December" was the name of the song. Here it is...
See? You've heard it...right? Cool.
38. Rainbows
I know...who doesn't love rainbows? One minute you'll be driving down the road...and the next minute you are consumed with the notion that there is a rainbow to your left. I don't care how many times it happens to me...I always feel like God is giving me a kiss on the forehead when I see a rainbow.
I realize that the rainbow has been used for various groups over time...but the one that I associate it with is the Walk to Emmaus. Although I have not been involved in the local group of late, I really enjoyed the experience and think about it from time to time when I see a rainbow in a book.
But when I see it in the sky...I know that things are about to get better. That God is promising just that.
39. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Unless you have a particular peanut butter allergy or chocolate/peanut butter aversion...these totally rock. I grew up calling them "Reese-ee cups" as opposed to "Reese's cups" but whatever. People used to call me "Kay-run" when I was growing up...and I've forgiven them for it.
Anyway, if you want to blow 100 calories on something worth it...grab one of these. "One" meaning one cup of the two in the package. I know...bummer. Personally, I like the little the handful.
Or I did, anyway before I swore off sugar. By the way, this is the one thing that I honestly tried aversion therapy with to see if it would work because there are several things that I will no longer consume because aversion therapy normally works. In this It didn't. At all.
Oh well.
40. Free Shipping
I don't know if you order online a lot or not...but there are two things that totally rock my world...a great deal and FREE SHIPPING. I love that L.L. Bean offers it now...and I'm far more likely to buy when this is part of the deal.
My recent deal-of-the-century was getting two boxes of 500 business envelopes from Staples for $3 a box...with (you guessed it...) FREE SHIPPING. I paid $6 for 1,000 envelopes...and they delivered them to my door.
Can we say "Rock On!"? Of course we can!
Thanks for reading tonight as I've kept myself away from the kitchen. Other than a serious wish that I could eat a handful (or bushel) of Reese-e cups right now...I'm fine. Check back tomorrow for My Favorite Things 41-50.
And, as always, thank you for reading!
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