Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Fever and the Over 40 Crowd

Today in the thriving metropolis of Pike Road, AL it is approximately 79 degrees outside, is pretty, the pollen count is down because of the monsoons last week. It is one of those days when you hear the yard people at work cutting the grass next door, and you begin to curse the career path you chose.

I am a banker. I was a commercial lender for over 10 years, and had several other various banker jobs (cash management sales, operations, investments) along the way. Like most of my banker generation, I have been gainfully employed at a total of five banks...well...six if you count mergers that occurred while employed. I am now a commercial loan underwriter. That means...I actually have credit skills. Scary, isn't it? There are not many of us left out there. Most have at some point run screaming for other fields like insurance, education, or the State. Some actually went to work as CFOs or controllers of various companies. Most have returned. Banking is the Hotel California of almost have to have something wrong with you to consider this field in the first place (ie. it is the quickest way to graduation out of the business school...and is better than economics...there, I finally admitted it.)

On days like today, I notice that my thoughts immediately go to those days in my younger life when I was "bored." Such a distasteful word...but one that I'd really love to have the opportunity to relive at some point. As for me...I look out the window of my office like a puppy at PetSmart and silently whine. Being bored to me would imply that the house is completely clean and organized, I have contacted every member of my immediate family and found that they don't need me for squat, it would also mean that I have money in my checking account, the dog isn't in "season" or requiring grooming, the bills are paid, the organizations I support don't need time or money, I have nothing listed on eBay, and nobody wants to be my friend on Facebook. Getting past the needs of my family alone almost guarantees that I will never again be bored.

When you are over 40, the days of wearing a swimsuit and getting a tan are primarily over. I mean...some of you may still be able to manage it...and if so...I salute you. As for me...a bathing suit now consists of a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. And yes, I have a pool. I get in it twice a year. A tan now comes with the risk of skin cancer...and so I actually slather on the sunscreen instead of the baby oil with iodine in it that represented my tanning oil in the 1970's unless I had just been paid at my job at McDonald's and bought Hawaiian Tropic.

It is JUST TOO PRETTY outside today. I might even stop by Belk and look in the Junior Zeppelin Department (ie. Women's Fashions) for a floral infested swimsuit in size OMG. Ya never know.


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